Fatima Khan BSc FCMA

I have an all-round experience having worked both in commerce and industry as well as in professional practice with wide experience of compliance and sound financial management.

Gulun Choudhury LLB

I joined Hemsley Miller in 2009 as a non-practicing Solicitor. I am responsible for delivering all non-reserved legal services to the clients and supporting the Wills and Probate Department in Drafting Wills and Trust
documents, obtaining Grant of Probate and over the administration of Estates.

Sanjeev Sood FCA

I qualified as a Chartered Accountant in the 80s specialising in the Media and Entertainment sector and developed an extensive cross-border international network.

Chris McDowall FCA MBA

Having specialised in corporate tax at an international firm in the early 70s, I have spent a considerable amount of time dealing with developers and the construction industry as well as the health and social care sector.

Ali Miah BSc (Hons) FCA

I have over 20 years of experience working collaboratively with entrepreneurial businesses and high-net-worth individuals to support their growth and accomplish their long-term goals and ambitions.