Monthly Newswire – August 2023

Storytelling forms a pivotal pillar of experiential marketing. By weaving narratives that align with the values and aspirations of their target audience, businesses forge deeper connections. Authentic and emotionally resonant storytelling serves to engender trust and loyalty among consumers, elevating the brand experience to new heights.

Tax E-News – August 2023

There are rumours circulating in the press of the possible abolition of #inheritance #tax (IHT) in a bid by the Government to secure the support of wavering Conservative voters. This may cause some individuals to delay #IHT planning, but remember these are just rumours, and it may not actually happen.

Monthly Newswire – June 2023

How to manage some of the key HR challenges facing businesses in the current environment.
In today’s competitive marketplace, attracting and retaining top talent, fostering employee engagement, and managing workplace diversity can be complex issues that require a strategic approach. To start with, recruiting and retaining talented employees in the current market is a major challenge for many small and medium-sized businesses.

Motivate your team for success

Motivating employees towards success is one essential ingredient in maintaining a vigorous, cost-effective, serviceable and productive business. One of the toughest challenges faced by business managers in today’s difficult market is maintaining employee motivation over the long term.

Tax relief for the creative sector

If you run a business involving the creation of animation programs, high-end TV programs, or video games, you can look forward to extra tax relief on production costs. This results in corporation tax relief on no less than 200% of the actual costs of UK expenditure up to a maximum of 80% of the total core expenditure.