Trusts to save IHT
Trusts have a reputation for being linked to unfair tax avoidance, but they can play a legitimate role in #estate and #inheritance #tax #planning. They can be especially worthwhile for business owners. Could a simple trust help preserve more of your estate for your family?
Dementia Tax: What Is This?
The Conservative Party Manifesto announcement and subsequent U-Turn on the requirement to pay for social care may have caused many voters to switch their allegiance in the June Election. Although this so-called “#Dementia #tax” is not strictly a tax, paying for social care has become more important than #Inheritance #Tax for many families.
Common problems with wills
For the unprepared, the process of making a will and ensuring it is followed properly can contain many pitfalls. Every step taken must abide by the letter of the law and any diversions can result in an invalid will and the moving of the deceased’s estate into the realm of intestacy law.