by Ali Miah | 31 Jul 2017 | Business development, Business Management, Business Planning, Business start-ups, Business startup, Established & growing businesses, Management, Management Support, Sales and marketing, Strategic Planning
As agile working becomes more common, technology has had to adapt to ensure that employees can be productive, regardless of where they are physically located. Many potential new recruits expect some degree of agile working and the leading businesses have already started to adapt in order to appeal to the best candidates. Many firms have been rolling out smart devices, cloud based storage and cloud based printing in order to allow their people to work from anywhere.
by Ali Miah | 6 Jul 2015 | Banks, Business Tax, Corporate tax planning, Corporation tax, Estate planning, Management Support, Sales and marketing, Tax Planning
R&D tax credits allow businesses engaged in R&D projects to receive a tax deduction based on the costs incurred on the project.
by Ali Miah | 15 Apr 2015 | Business development, Business Management, Business Planning, Management, Marketing, Raising Finance, Sales and marketing, Strategic Planning
“How do I grow my business?”
It can be a difficult question to answer. If you don’t know what kind of growth you’re aiming for, it seems like a vague concept. Do you want to increase your profits? Open a new office or store? Hire more employees?
by Ali Miah | 14 Jan 2015 | Business Planning, Business Tax, Corporate tax planning, Corporation tax, Customers, Estate planning, Raising Finance, Sales and marketing, Tax Planning, The home
In a bid to compete with Ireland’s 12.5% corporation tax rate, Enterprise Minister Arlene Foster has suggested lowering the rate to just 10%. According to Northern Ireland secretary Theresa Villiers, around 34,000 businesses will benefit when the power is devolved in April 2017.
by Ali Miah | 12 May 2014 | Business Tax, Corporate tax planning, PAYE, Payroll, Personal tax, Personal tax planning, Sales and marketing, Self Assessment, Tax Planning, VAT
With the news that HMRC may soon have powers to recover tax directly from your bank account, we offer some advice on keeping your tax bill to a minimum.