Tax Free Perks Instead of Dividends
When should you take perks instead of dividends?
As a rule of thumb, dividends are the most tax and NI-efficient method of taking income from your company. But there are sometimes better alternatives. What are they and when can you use them?
Pension Tax Relief Change
There is again speculation about further restrictions to tax relief on pensions in the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget.
Dividends – There May Be More Tax to Pay in January
The rules for taxing dividends changed radically from 6 April 2016 with the removal of the 10% notional tax credit and the introduction of new rates of tax on dividends.
New Government Childcare Schemes
Working parents can start applying for two new Government childcare schemes launching this year – Tax-Free Childcare which begins immediately and 30 hours free childcare which starts in September.
HMRC Beat Glasgow Rangers
A scheme using Employee Benefit Trusts (EBTs) as a means of remunerating directors and staff has been defeated by HMRC in a recent Supreme Court case.